• មន្ទីរពហុព្យាបាល អរៀនដា

    and maternity

    Achieve Goals Together!



Dr. Chhit Maryan

Specialist: Gynecologist Obstetrician


  • Medical Assistance Diploma at University of health science, Cambodia.
  • Obtained a degree in Specialist of Gynecologist Obstetrician and Infertility which graduated at Paul sabatier university in France 2007.

Degree / Certificate

  • Certificate of Medical Assistance at at University of health science, Cambodia in 1996
  • Certificated of Behavior change survey at National University of Singapore in 2000.
  • Certificate of Gynecology Obstetrician specialize, at Paul Sabatier University Toulouse III and DIU of Infertility Masculine France in 2007.
  • Certificated in observation of Laparoscopy surgery, at Kindai hospital, KinKi University Faculty of medicine, Osaka, Japan in 2015.
  • Certificated in Colposcopy and Cervical cancer screening Early Diagnosis certificate, in Tokyo and Osaka, Japan in 2016.
  • Certificated in Infertility due to Gynecological disorders and common Obstetric complications from Boston University USA in 2016


  • Started career in public sector since 1997
  • In 2008 started work as an OB-GY and Infertility specialist doctor in both public and private sector.


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Infertility Team



មន្ទីរពហុព្យាបាល អរៀនដា

អគារ 9A ផ្លូវ466 សង្កាត់ទន្លេបាសាក់ ខណ្ឌចំការមន រាជធានីភ្នំពេញ

មន្ទីរពេទ្យអន្តរជាតិ អរៀនដា

អគារលេខ ៦៦ ផ្លូវលេខ ៣១cc សង្កាត់ស្ទឹងមានជ័យ ខណ្ខមានជ័យ រាជធានីភ្នំពេញ